Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today's Prayer 1/22/13

Our most wonderful and glorious Father in Heaven, creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, the Prince of Peace. Thank you for another day here on earth to glorify and exalt you as the Lord and savior of this world. It is such a privilege to worship you, praise you and to share you with others.

Father, today I pray for healing. You are JEHOVAH-RAPHA, the Lord our healer. Father you know t...he needs of my family as they battle the physical deterioration of their earthly bodies. Bless them Lord and start the healing process for them. Father, I also bring to your healing throne today all those who read these words. Heal their sicknesses, both physically and emotionally.

Today I rejoice in your gracious giving of my needs. Thank you for protecting my family today. Give me strength to support my family both in the times that they need me as well in the times that you need me to.

I am so honored to wear the badge of Jesus. The more I learn about His time here on earth, the more it shakes me at my foundation of the amazing Lord that I worship. Forgive me of my transgressions and for falling short of your glory. Give me the strength and courage to bring your name glory everyday.

This earth shall pass. My possessions will fade away. Moths will eat them and rust will corrode them. The only two things that are eternal is your Holy word and the spirits of those that know Jesus. Give me a divine perspective of your will for my life. Help me to run the race without getting tired.

Thank you for the favor that you share upon my life. Let me enrich others with your word and with the knowledge of the TRUTH. There is no God but you. There is only one way to you which is through Jesus. Amen.

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